Collins Collaborations is a North American consulting group specializing in communication, community partnerships, and transformation. We offer group facilitation, leadership advising, and adaptive implementation strategies.

Lead by Kamilah Collins, our Founder and Principal Consultant, Collins Collaborations [CC] began as an independent coaching and consulting group in 2012.  We are a 100% referral business. Over the years we have received  numerous requests for critical support during times of change and challenges. A decade later, our Clients still look to us to guide them, to and through transformation. Every engagement is unique. We endeavor to activate diverse networks of people, offer practical insights,  and leverage our facilitation expertise to meet our clients where they need it most. Our workshops, partnerships, and strategies are designed to better understand and shape unique paths forward.

Our Story

Our work with corporation and nonprofit organizations is designed to support transformation.We align with our community partners to cultivate diverse relationships and positive collective impact with incremental change.
We help leaders and communities seeking to expand their capacity for change. We craft opportunities to communicate, connect, and create pathways forward with diverse groups of people. Our support services includes facilitation, evaluation, and strategic implementation. Our consultants serve as leadership advisors, transformation coaches, and program/system architects.
As leaders, we are capable of shifting the hearts and minds of people, organizations, and our communities. Therefore, as we evolve our understanding, decision-making processes, and institutional systems, we begin to create more equitable experiences for ourselves and our global community.